Software Engineer
I'm a former Staff Engineer at VMware Carbon Black, where I was the Architect and Lead Engineer on the Data Forwarder project. I'm a polyglot programmer; Golang and Typescript are my daily drivers. I'm passionate about the web, edge computing, distributed systems, and developer tooling. I'm currently seeking a new position. Please check out my resume or email me at [email protected].
Software engineer is just a job title. I've been hacking and building things with computers for over 20 years. I consider myself a well-rounded nerd. To paint a better picture: I've hardwired my house with Cat6 and run my own compute and network infrastructure, video surveillance, media services, and homelab from my basement.

Top to bottom: Ubiquiti 24 Port GB Switch, UDM Pro, Proxmox Server, NAS, Remote Gaming PC, Ubiquity Network Video Recorder, Tripplite UPS
Woodworking Hobbyist
I really enjoy making furniture and cabinets, as well as other box-shaped and non-box-shaped pieces. I mostly use a table saw, track saw, miter saw, and router. I use OpenScad and Autodesk Fusion to design my projects, leveraging programming for the mundane tasks like generating and optimizing cut lists. Currently, I'm working on a custom floating bed frame and a walnut headboard.
Amateur Musician
My journey with music started with the guitar at 10 years old and grew to include writing and producing my own music as well. I enjoy writing and recording and even released a song on Spotify with a former colleague. Recently, I've been playing my Taylor acoustic guitar in DADGAD tuning, but when I plug in, I reach for my 7-string fanned-fret Schecter. My taste ranges from LoFi to Metal.
Dog Dad
My partner Sam and I, share life with two incredible dogs—Ada, a spirited (though stubborn) Husky with piercing blue eyes and an impressive vocal range, and Piper, a gentle and loving Golden Retriever with a heart as gold as her coat. Whether we're exploring the great outdoors or cozying up at home, Ada and Piper fill every day with joy.

Ada (left) and Piper (right)